Will 2023 Bring Back Personal Blogging?

As we head into the new year (Happy New Year! 🥳), hot on the heels of my own decision to re-commit to a personal blog and owning my own content, The Verge has posted an interesting article called Bring back personal blogging. One section addressed owning your own content and platform:…

LastPass and the Difficulty of Being Safe

In case you haven't heard, popular password manager LastPass released an updated statement on December 22nd with some terrifying details to anyone who uses their product. Basically, customer's password vaults are now in the hands of hackers. Now that some security experts have had the chance to read the statement…

Twitter, Mastodon, and Owning Your Own Content

You may have noticed that things look a little bit different around here. I decided to make a few changes. Maybe this is the result of holiday boredom, or maybe some new year’s resolutions, maybe I needed to scratch that proverbial itch that many technologists have for new projects,…

Book Review: How Music Got Free

Not long ago, I finished Stephen Witt's phenomenal book, How Music Got Free: The End of an Industry, the Turn of the Century, and the Patient Zero of Piracy. Highly recommend it. Fascinating both from a technology perspective, as well as from the perspective of culture, business, and art.…