Two Types of Thinkers: Which Are You?

I tweeted this article out a few days ago, but wanted to link to it here as well. He treats employees, vendors, booking agents, publishers, and everyone else as if they were his best customers. He routinely invests in their success. It comes back to him in a thousand ways.…

Thoughts on Creativity, Inc. - Part 1

The idea of breaking down the incredible book, Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull and Amy Wallace, has proven to be a daunting effort. I am not here to write a review, but instead to share some thoughts and observations I made when reading the book. I've decided to break these…

The Messy Business of Reinventing Happiness

Very interesting read on how Disney's MyMagic+ MagicBands came to be. As someone who's visited Disney World and used one, it seems so obvious to me. However, it wasn't met with universally open arms. These early skirmishes signaled tougher battles ahead. "There were disagreements between Frog, Parks operations, and marketing…

Why Productive People Take Better Notes

As we've discussed before, your mind can only handle so great of a cognitive load—people can only hold so many items in their working memory before they start to fall out. Active listening—that is, attending to the speaker and jotting down the things that catch your attention—lets…

Coming Soon... Thoughts on Recent Books

I've been away for a bit, but while I've been away, I've read two phenomenal books that I plan to write about here. The recent book I finished on vacation was Becoming Steve Jobs. The other book, which immediaely became one of my favorites, was Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull.…

Why Slack Works

Stellar products are seldom just about usability and usefulness. They go a step further and strive to delight their users. Slack does this time and again, and it’s these little things that make it such a joy to use. We’re often quick to gloss over and dismiss these…

Five Customer Retention Tips for Entrepreneurs

According to statistics provided by Bain and Co. in the Harvard Management Update, 80% of companies surveyed said that they offer superior customer service, but only 8% of their customers agreed with them. Ouch. Good article overall, but this statistic definitely jumped at out at me. After a little searching,…

People First, Technology Second

This article is almost a year old, but still a great read. IT is no longer in the business of managing systems or resetting passwords, but instead, it’s putting the power of information back into the hands of users and delivering experiences that enable that information to be instantly…