Documenting the Doomed Fyre Festival

No doubt you're aware of the now infamous Fyre Festival. You know, the one that ended up as a complete disaster? The story is so fascinating, that both Netflix and Hulu have released their own documenteries outlining the events that led up to the festival's demise. As someone who works…

Book Review: How Music Got Free

Not long ago, I finished Stephen Witt's phenomenal book, How Music Got Free: The End of an Industry, the Turn of the Century, and the Patient Zero of Piracy. Highly recommend it. Fascinating both from a technology perspective, as well as from the perspective of culture, business, and art.…

Nilay got his mom a Chromebook Pixel

Nilay Patel is the editor in chief at The Verge and recently faced a predicament that many tech-savvy children of less tech-savvy parents face: Getting them a new computer. In many ways, now is the best time in history to buy a new computer. Never before have such powerful machines…

A Google Manager on Time Management

I realize the irony of someone who let several months go by without updating his blog posting about time management. Let me defend myself by saying that, had I implemented this approach, I'm confident my posts would have been much more regular. “It’s been said there are two paradigms…

Sorry vs. Thank You

A simple customer service technique I learned during my time at Apple was to say "thank you" instead of "sorry." The most common scenario was when we were running behind schedule at the Genius Bar. I'd instruct my team to start the interaction with something like "thank you for being…

It's been a while...

This is the part where I apologize for not writing here in a while. Glad we got this out of the way.…