Viral Jazz

I've been a fan of jazz music for almost as long as I can remember. Whether it was dancing to the improvisations of Vince Guaraldi while watching Peanuts and Charlie Brown as a toddler, or grooving to the swing of the Count Basie big band in elementary school, jazz has…

LastPass and the Difficulty of Being Safe

In case you haven't heard, popular password manager LastPass released an updated statement on December 22nd with some terrifying details to anyone who uses their product. Basically, customer's password vaults are now in the hands of hackers. Now that some security experts have had the chance to read the statement…

Twitter, Mastodon, and Owning Your Own Content

You may have noticed that things look a little bit different around here. I decided to make a few changes. Maybe this is the result of holiday boredom, or maybe some new year’s resolutions, maybe I needed to scratch that proverbial itch that many technologists have for new projects,…

Thoughts on Creativity, Inc. - Part 1

The idea of breaking down the incredible book, Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull and Amy Wallace, has proven to be a daunting effort. I am not here to write a review, but instead to share some thoughts and observations I made when reading the book. I've decided to break these…