Hello, World!

That's typically how these things start, right?

I want to begin in the same way every young man or woman should begin when meeting the parents of their girlfriend or boyfriend; with my intentions.

What am I here for? What's the purpose of this blog? Who cares?

Let me try to answer two out of three of those questions right now. The reason I am here is to share what I have learned with the world. I have been blessed to have worked with and spent time with some incredible people in some incredible places. I feel that it is my responsibility to share some of the things that I have learned, and continue to learn, through these experiences. Like most of us, my experiences and interests span everything from family and friends, to faith, music, technology, business, sports, music, food, books, and more. And while this blog may stray from its primary focus from time to time, the primary focus will be to do one thing:

Share my love for technology with others.

But this isn't just another technology blog. I don't want to simply share my love for technology, but my hope is to speak to the way in which technology can and should be shared so that as many people as possible can enjoy its benefits. That is to say, I want to talk about how we can get everyone to love and make use of technology to make their lives better. About how technology impacts the majority of people that can, and should, use it.

There are many different names for this movement in the business space. It probably started by being called "bring your own device" or, more commonly, "BYOD." Later the phrase the "consumerization of IT" began to be used. More recently, "user-centric IT" has started to gain popularity. One of my personal favorites is "enterprise apple-ization." Using the broadest of strokes, they all are describing a moving away from technology being the focus, and focus being put back on the person using it.

This is where I came up with my name, Service Driven Technology. Of course it's a play on words, but the sentiment of putting technology to work for us as a service is what I'm trying to convey.

In future posts, I hope to talk about lessons I've learned from working in technology and customer service for over a decade. I plan to take new products, advancements, and news, and put them into context around what it means for most people. And I hope to do it in a way that's interesting, insightful, thought provoking, and entertaining.

Thanks for reading.